Ragdoll Cat: Price, Appearance and Characteristics, Training & More

Ragdoll cat was created in California by Ann Baker, an American breeder in the 1960s. They are one of the varieties that are highly valued worldwide due to their sweet nature.

Like a doll! Ragdoll loves hugs and attention. Why not give yourself a chance to experience the best moments as a cat lover?

How Much Does a Ragdoll Cost ?

The price of a ragdoll varies from city to city. This is due to differences in the location and reputation of breeders.

It costs you an average of Rs. 20,000 Rs. 35,000 to acquire Ragdoll in India, or even Rs. in some cases 60 thousand. It is a relatively expensive variety due to its beauty and sophistication.

Factors That Affect The Cost Of Ragdoll Cats In India.


Ragdoll cat prices vary by city. The main reason is the differences in the reputation and availability of breeders. For example, getting a ragdoll from Mumbai costs more than in Bangalore and Delhi.


Ragdoll kittens are usually more expensive than adult ragdolls. Sometimes a potential buyer has to pay a deposit for kittens before they are born due to their high demand. In addition, cat lovers want their Ragdolls to have the most company at this age.

Reputation of breeders.

All breeders operate according to the same code of ethics and regulations, but they are rewarded differently for their ragdolls and related services. As? A breeder with a high appreciation sets his prices a little higher than the one who does not have them.

We kindly recommend that you obtain your Ragdoll from a reputable breeder; the price is worth every penny.


Ragdolls come in different quality categories with different prices. For example, Show Quality Ragdolls are more expensive than Breeders and Pet Quality. The first named was unmistakably selected and bred to achieve the best standards of the breed.

Breeder Quality ragdolls, on the other hand, are made to meet breeding goals, while Pet Quality is more of a pet because they lack the traits needed to participate in shows. You will spend even more to get a mix of show and breeding quality ragdolls.

Medical record.

A ragdoll with deformities and other health problems can be cheaper than perfect. Buyers do not want to incur additional medical costs and their Ragdolls will be disqualified from the films due to incompleteness.

Second, vaccination prevents disease and guarantees you a healthy and unique animal; so be prepared to pay more for a fully vaccinated Ragdoll than for an unvaccinated one.


The microchipped Ragdoll costs slightly higher than the non-microchipped. A microchip is another advantage when you get all the details about your pet from scanning the chip. It also acts as a permanent identity for him.


The Ragdolls are one of the youngest in the family of cat breeds. Cats were first bred by breeder Ann Baker of Riverside, California in the 1960s to produce long-haired cats of unknown origin that they own or have found in its vicinity.

Baker was chosen for cats with soft, peaceful temperaments, large size and beautiful long hair depicted in the Himalayan pattern, which is the name for the “dots” found in Siamese-type cats. The result is a cat that says Ragdoll because it tends to jump happily into the arms of anyone who picks it up. Later, Persians, Burmese and Burmese could contribute to the development of Ragdoll.

Baker makes many unusual claims about the evolution of cats, including foreign influences, CIA experiments, and human gene injections, but that’s it: claims that have no factual basis. Some people have also started breeding ragdolls. They separated from Baker and formed the Ragdoll Fanciers Club International, with the aim of standardizing the breed and gaining recognition in cat registers.

The Cat Fanciers Association began registering cats in 1993 and gave them full recognition in 2000. Most registrars now identify differently, including the American Cat Fanciers Association and The International Cat Association. Ragdolls cannot be defeated by other breeds.


Unlike many cats, ragdolls are known to break the hands of anyone who holds them, even if they snuggle on their backs. They love their people, greet them at the door, follow them around the house, and when they have the opportunity, they jump on their lap or cuddle on the bed. They always learn to come when they call them or pick up toys that have been thrown at them.

This word is often used to describe them obediently, but that does not mean that they are inactive. They like to play with toys and take part in any family activities. With positive reinforcement in the form of praise and food rewards when they do something you enjoy, Ragdolls can easily learn and get tricks, as well as good ways like using a scraper. They remind you in a small sweet voice to eat or ask for a caress, but not too loudly.

Ragdolls have great manners and are easy to live with. You can find a ragdoll on a sofa or bed, but usually not above. He would rather stay at the same level as his people than at the top of the room.


This breed consists of strong bones and large cats, with males weighing an average of 14-17.5 lb (6-8 kg) and females 12-16 lb (5-7 kg). Their height is between 9-11 inches and their length is 17-21 inches from their fluffy tail. With the Ragdoll baby you will enjoy life of 12-15 years.

These cats are incomparable beauty! The head is proportional to the medium-sized ears and the triangular face, while the eyes are oval blue. The hind legs leave longer warm pants, while the front shorter hair. Her tail is long and soft with beautiful feathers.

Ragdolls have a medium-sized body with limited features. They have a long and attractive coat, which makes them look bigger than them.

You can see the Ragdoll cat in different colors and patterns. Cream, lilac, red, seal, blue and chocolate are the most recognizable colors.

Their fur has various basic patterns: (i) color point (light body color with black color on ears, face and tail); (ii) mitted (showing a toe but having white feet and ankles) and (iii) bicolor (having black points, white legs and an inverted V on the forehead).

Temperament and attitude.

Do you want to experience the most valuable life of a cat parent? Take it, Ragdoll! These furry children can be warm and friendly to their close family members.

They have a puppy’s devotion to their people as they follow them in search of love, and they even greet at the door when they get home.

Ragdolls are softer and barely sound when something goes wrong. In terms of child friendliness, the Ragdolls received 4.5 out of 5 stars. This allows you to safely leave your children while they enjoy their games and attention. However, make sure that the former is well trained in cat care to prevent minor injuries.

Ragdolls also mix well with other pets due to their kind nature.

Ragdoll is not an aggressive cat, but leaving him alone for a long time can result in boredom and fear and thus the destruction of valuables. As an intelligent variety, Ragdolls are good guardians and creators of the knowledge they gain through training.


Ragdolls are usually an easily trainable variety due to their high intelligence and kind nature. Thanks to their high strength and love of the game, they get tricks very easily. Our advice is to start training your ragdoll with his kitten so that knowledge will grow with him.

Here are some tips for healthy exercise with your child.


  • Have a regular workout schedule.
  • Unexpected routine changes can reduce their excitement.
  • Offer your kitten a healthy reward when it affects him.
  • Positive strengthening is what keeps her motivated for worse training.


During the session, pay full attention and react immediately to his movements to wake him up. Give your Ragdoll time between workouts and keep the sessions short. This makes it less exhausting and more fun.

There are many things you can do to train your Ragdoll; From clicker training, trash training, treadmill, compliance training.


The relatively long Ragdoll coat has a light undercoat, which means that it is less fluffy and fluffy, but this does not mean that cats do not need posture. Comb them with a stainless steel comb twice a week to remove dead hair that can cause tangles. Carefully comb the hair on the feet, especially where the foot meets the body, where pads are likely to occur. The rubber curry brush smoothes the hair after combing and removes the remaining long hair.

If you are gentle and do not pull their hair out, Ragdoll will retain the attention they receive from you during the treatment. Note that seasonal changes, such as hormonal fluctuations in unmodified cats, can affect coat numbers. The coat is on top in winter. Ragdolls who are neutered or neutered usually have lush hair all year round because they lack the hormonal fluctuations that occur in unchanged cats.

Check the tail for pieces of shit on the hair and clean it with a baby wipe. Buy a ragdoll as needed, which can be every few weeks to every few months. If his clothes are greasy or his fur looks like poison, he should take a bath.

Brush your teeth to prevent periodontal disease. Daily dental hygiene is best, but weekly teeth cleaning is better than nothing. Cut your nails every two weeks. Wipe the corners of the eyes with a soft damp cloth to remove any stains. Use a separate piece of cloth for each eye so as not to risk the spread of each infection. Check your ears weekly. If it looks dirty, wipe it with a cotton swab or a soft damp cloth soaked in a 50:50 mixture of apple cider vinegar and warm water. Avoid using cotton swabs, which can damage the inside of the ear.

Keep the Ragdoll waste bin clean. Cats take great care of the cleanliness of the bathroom and a clean trash can will also help keep the coat clean. Speaking of litter, a large cat like Ragdoll needs a box that is even bigger to make sure it has enough space to come back and squat.

Ragdolls usually go through great growth as they grow up. This can continue until the cat is four years old. Don’t be fooled by the fat pillow on your stomach, which is a kind of trait. Until you are sure they have reached adulthood, make sure they always have enough food available to stimulate their growth.

It is a good idea to keep a soft ragdoll like a domestic cat just to protect it from being attacked by dogs or coyotes, diseases that have spread to other cats, and other dangers that cats face. cat going out like in a car accident. Ragdolls who go out also risk being stolen by someone who wants to have such a cute cat without paying for it.


They are here; therefore, their posture is not a cake. Long feathers are easily pierced and vacuumed, so constant repair is required. Don’t think it’s a heartbreaking task, but rather a connection between you and your cat.

Brush your doll’s fur at least twice a week to keep the pad up. Bathing is no longer necessary as long as the coat remains clean. Cut their nails regularly so that no dirt is hidden on them. Keep your ears clean to reduce the likelihood of related infections. Your pet’s beautiful eyes should be kept clean and free of leaks.

In fact, please visit your veterinarian at your Ragdoll for a check-up at least twice a year. During these visits, your cat may need teeth and get the right flight control method (if needed).


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